
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Mother and house ruined by a fake theurgist

Ubqari Magazine - March 2017

My father died 10 years back; he was affected by renal disease. Sometimes he would be perfectly fine, and other times extremely sick. We treated him with medications, spiritually and with amulets but nothing improved. During this time our mother met a woman who belonged to our village and she used to say that she had the help of a fairy. This woman used to practice by amulets with the help of that fairy. My innocent mother got trapped by this woman and started meeting her. According to this woman, whole of our family was affected by black magic and my father died because of it. This woman used to take money from my mother and then took out those hidden amulets which our mother later showed to us. They included amulets, small dolls and puppets, some would have amulets in them, and some would be pricked by needles. In short whole of our family started believing that we were being subjected to black magic. My father was a government servant, now when my mother received his pension and other money, this woman and her husband put fears in my mother’s heart that your family and in laws have killed your husband through spells and amulets, now they will kill you and your sons, therefore you should use our amulets so that you can be saved from it.

Ultimately my mother was influenced by this woman and cut ties with all the family. She would neither go herself nor would she let us meet them. Even she met them on occasions, she would not eat or drink anything, if someone gave us something, she wouldn’t use it, rather gave it to neighbors. She used to abuse the family by names and say that you killed my husband, because of this attitude our family became annoyed and stopped meeting us. 3 years passed while my mother considered her children and family as her worst enemy. She wouldn’t attend marriages. My mother her day and night with that woman, she would keep contact with her on phone when she was at home. If someone talked bad about that woman she would become furious and ready to hit, even though the relatives of that woman who lived in that village, used to say that this woman is a fraud and she is looting your mom. This woman has looted more than 10lakhs from my mother till now. My mother gave all her gold jewelry to this woman to keep with her. Besides this my mother would bestow her with new dishes every day. Many a times me and my siblings wanted to leave the house because we were tired of this life. People of the village used to ask us to stop our mother, that why had we built our relations with a wrong kind of woman. Had we stopped our mother by force, she would have left the house. Our mother even disinherited us because of this woman. The monthly pension of my father, around 32000 rupees, we don’t know where it goes. This woman’s husband doesn’t work but she has all the luxuries of modern times. She has even bought a plot nearby last month, whilst I and my siblings run this house with difficulty. All of my family suffered from health problems and depression when one day my brother found Ubqari. From Ubqari we found the act of prayer call and afhusibtum which was like this: recite the last 4 ayyat of Surah Almominoon 7 times then recite prayer 7 times bracketing it with durood shareef recited 3 times. Braise once on your right shoulder than once on the left shoulder. All of our family is practicing this act since last 1 year. Our house is now quite peaceful. My mother still meets that woman but much less. Alhumdulillah she is quite better now, her attitude with us is improving day by day. A few days back there was a marriage ceremony; she met everyone with kindness and ate along others. I request the readers of Ubqari, never go nor take your family members to fake theurgists and magicians otherwise you will suffer like us. (hidden)

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